Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why I love the subway

Okay, the real reason why I like the subway is because 90% of cab drivers here drive like crazed old men who accidentaly snorted coke instead of Geritol and repeatedly jerk their feet from the gas to the break.

However, things like this are also entertaining:

Today on the way home from work I am exhausted, and pissed because it is raining the kind of rain that blows into your eyes and then whips around and soaks the back of your skirt and turns your umbrella inside-out. So I get on the W and there is like- no one on here. Weird, but totally fine with me because I recently got so angry at a woman trying to sit next to me when she couldn't fit that I stood up and yelled "Are you FREAKING kidding me!?" (God, please don't let me become an angry New Yorker)

So I'm on there basically by myself and this girl gets on somewhere around 23rd street. She looks really normal with her headband and poofy white coat with tights. Then she is looking at me and smiling and I'm like- what the hell headband girl! why are you staring at me!? Until I see the extra large size bottle of uncorked wine poking out of her bag. She notices me looking at it and tilts her entire bag in order to have a sip.

This girl's head is bobbling around like a 90 year old's and I think this is quite amusing. And then with one swift move of the train, she FALLS over onto the bench- all of the contents of her bag flying including the wine which splashes EVERYWHERE. And she just lays there. Holy.Crap. I can't help it- the day has been too long. I am laughing my ass off. I know that this girl won't appreciate me waking her up, so I leave headband girl with the only other person in our car. Maybe that person can enjoy her for a little longer....

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