Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let's Talk About

It's really too bad that I am now 25 and still don't have my life together. While I may have a great job, friends to tolerate me, and a fantastic apartment... I cannot afford my life! God, why does rent have to be so expensive!? And why am I perpetually struggling to pay it!? Can someone just step up and take care of that for me already? Honestly.

One of my roommates is now deciding to leave NY because its just too damn much. I am so discouraged and sad that I am now going to lose a friend in the city just because of the economy... Give me a freaking break. So, me and vodka will sit here watching our $120 cable and feel sorry for ourselves.

It's a good thing I have lots of things planned this week to keep the mind off of finances. And get ready for house party! Don't worry, an update will come soon!


me.me.me. said...

i offered to.

Vada said...

HAHA, me and vodka will watch our $120 cable.... love it

and I'm sad to leave you :( maybe I'll be back after grad school when people aren't on hiring freezes/getting laid off