Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lucky scars

I just want to say that in case no one noticed, the company I work for cut 7000 jobs this week. Way to fucking go. Way to interrupt buy week on a Monday afternoon and tell every office all over the country that we are restructuring and that people's lives will be ruined. After 3 days of watching people around me get cut, people's office doors perpetually closing in secrecy, people crying in the bathroom- FINALLY. Finally, thanks for telling me that I still have a job. I may have no receptionist, no assistant, no one to make coffee or clean the bathroom, but I can still go to work. I may be rationed pencils and toilet paper, but thank God I don't have to sing in the subway and begin selling my used underwear on craigslist.

Oh, and thanks for not including anyone who works at any of the twenty something overseas offices. Because I really love getting emails from my Chinese counterparts asking me if I think they have a job. WTF?? Omg, you guys have the internet???? You can actually read the press release that is available worldwide because you're not illiterate morons????? Holy crap- I can't believe that.

I guess I will forego planning my move to a foreign nation. For the moment, at least. Oh New York, you didn't think we were done yet, did you?? Silly...

1 comment:

Vada said...

yay Ambular! I laughed out loud about your CHN comment. our overseas people are f'ing retards as well.