Thursday, November 20, 2008

man hands

I just have to take a minute and throw this out there... I am super into fashion and street style and am all over the androgenous thing that's happening right now. However, today on the walk home I saw 3, yes 3 guys wearing coats with fur trimmed hoods... Is this ok? I cannot fathom walking hand in hand with some guy, looking into his fur-framed eyes...seriously? Maybe its because I'm from the South where the only acceptable forms of warmth are made by North Face. But I don't see how this is acceptable.

While I'm on the subject, it kind of weirds me out when guys are wearing gloves. Scarves, scarves are hot- love it. But gloves belong to...i dunno, OJ Simpson. Rapists. Spider Man. Its creepy. I know its ridiculous to think that only women can have warm hands, but damn guys- put them in your pockets!

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