Tuesday, June 16, 2009

But what does it all mean?

Does anybody ever just feel like.. 'What the hell's the point!?' I've recently taken a vacation, which I'll get to later, and come back to work feeling somewhat... how do you say, Blase. Unconcerned. Passionless. I make table linens for chrissake. I stare at numbers. I try to make sense of 8 cents here and 15 cents there. I scrutinize twenty seven colors of green to find just the right shade for Fall 2010...

I just read a book called A Thousand Splendid Suns. If you haven't read it, borrow it from someone (this is what poor people do.) And so I finished the book, and now I'm feeling like- God we are all so ridiculously spoiled. I complain about buying toilet paper and not being able to afford Kettle One. The women in this book were beaten if they tried to walk alone. They weren't allowed to have jobs so that they could feed themselves. In the year 2000..

And suddenly, I'm happy to stare into the abyss of my computer screen. I will gaily type out 50 pointless emails a day to people who live in India and Taiwan and be thankful that I have health insurance. We could all hope that our jobs would give us such a sense of satisfaction that every day we would arrive home feeling like we've left a little dent in the world. But in reality, we should just feel lucky to be able to work for our money, have roofs over our heads, and pay for our own shit.

While it may seem at this point like I've taken a wrong turn on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the book really is a great story and I do reccommend it.

Carry on!

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