Saturday, January 17, 2009

Things to consider:

This week I joined a gym. Why, you ask, would I shell out extra cash every month when I can barely afford my whole wheat noodles? When you are seeing someone who has the body of a professional athlete and you have been sitting on your ass in front of a computer all day eating Haribo raspberries- some initiative must be taken.

SO, be prepared for Pole Dancing 101, Urban Rebounding, and Anti-Gravity Yoga. I am about to put myself through fitness hell a la junior year of college. Welcome back Holocaust arm. I have missed you.


Megan said...

I was telling someone the story behind the holocaust arm at work yesterday...I don't think they got it...and I think they think I am in support of nazis

Ambs said...

God- i know. it was so appropriate at the time though